Simulation of Variable Fonts
in Augmented Reality

Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality

The mobile AR app demonstrates how variable font technology can change the use of fonts in three-dimensional space. Selected fonts can be explored by interacting with the viewing angle, distance, and ambient light.

Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality
Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality
Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality
Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality
Adaptive Type, Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality

»Adaptive Type« explored the possibilities of variable fonts in space using augmented reality. The mobile app is a master‘s graduation project designed and developed by Claudia Wasem at the HAW Hamburg – Department Design, accompanied by Prof. Peter Kabel and Prof. Pierre Pané-Farré.

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20 aus 23
Vernissage: 14.03.2024
Ausstellung: 15.03. – 24.03.2024


Annual Multimedia Digital Talents Award 2024 — AR/VR


22.05.2023 — Double U, HAW Hamburg
30.01.2023 — Interaction Day, HAW Hamburg


Simulation of Variable Fonts in Augmented Reality – Unity

Simulated Fonts

GT Flexa, GT Planar, GT Ultra, GT Maru